The energy I had hoped to redirect manifested in the place where I suppose it actually belongs, catalyzed by the lovely and talented dianna, within the abomination that Paul & admin created, which Bill endorsed and fed.
No matter how you feel about anyone involved, don't lose sight of the lessons learned, to highlight a few:
Secrecy, heirarchy, hero worship, the creation of enemies and sides, and one-sided narratives only fuel the current paradigms and problems we face, the antithesis of what PA claims to do
Excusing abuse or failure to live to standards set or bad behavior or denial of the creator of something wonderful (or ourselves) infects the creation of rot that only lies and force can maintain, which inevitable will crumble over time, if not responsibly and honestly corrected
The lies we tell ourself run deep, it's important to always be vigilantly seeking them out, as a wise friend always says: be constantly stalking yourself.
Those are just a few. This is not about BR, not to me, hasn't been for a long time. It is about everyone else (myself included), so easily manipulated, often blinded to the traps we walk willingly into, supposedly awake and aware.
I learned so much from Project Avalon, Bill Ryan, et al. that any appreciation I try to express will come up small. Regardless if he or you or anyone thinks it's a battle to be won or just drama or nonsense to be ignored or whatever, what this is to some of us is a revealing, a step forward in our evolution...what we are doing to save the world.
The loops we find ourselves in are not going to unwind themselves. The lies we tell will not stand. We are all one, and have incredible tools to create the reality we want to see. They are also effectively used against, especially to cause division.
This episode shows to me that there seems to some force, perhaps inside ourselves--our "dark side", perhaps real external predators and parasites...probably a bit of both...that we need to better understand in order to break the pattern it seems to has stuck in preventing us from progressing as we should.
Just my reflections as the "wall of fire" burns on the forums, where we are now faced with the choice to "move on" in denial that lessons to be learned and accountability and responsibility still are needed, or to do something different: really start walking our walk.
Take care, much love to all